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Community Guidelines

As Carmelites we live our life of allegiance to Jesus Christ and to serve Him faithfully with a pure heart and a clear conscience through a commitment to seek the face of the living God (the contemplative dimension of life), through prayer, through fraternity, and through service (diakonia). These three fundamental elements of the charism are not distinct and unrelated values, but closely interwoven. 


All of these we live under the protection, inspiration and guidance of Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, whom we honor as "our Mother and sister.”

 Purpose of Community  To grow in Carmelite spirituality by internally transforming our hearts using the Carmelite Way, by cooperating with God’s grace in order to be the light of Christ in the world.


 Our Goal  To grow in our charism which is Prayer/Contemplation. The three expressions of our charism are Prayer, Community, and Service.


 Our Vocation  To be the prayerful, pondering, servant heart of the Church expressed uniquely in each Community member. Not to be watchdogs of orthodoxy, as that is left for the Bishops.


Set up and break down is the responsibility of all Community members.


Thermostats for heat/cooling are not to be touched except by the assigned Community member/s.


Seating should change monthly to encourage the flow of the Spirit and for engaging with all members in the Community.


Punctuality is imperative. Tardiness disrupts the flow of the meeting and limits communication. Arrival is expected by 12:45 PM. If you are having car trouble, please notify the Director by text or email.


Absence, lateness, or early dismissal from a meeting is possible with prior permission from the Director. Consistency in the Community nurtures Carmelite spirituality. If regular attendance/commitment is not possible, that will be utilized in the discernment process, especially for those who have not made their Final Promises.


Communication is confidential. Anything shared in Community is kept in confidence within the Community. We encourage questions. When a Community member responds with advice or an answer, please begin your response with, “It’s been my experience” or “I have learned,” etc.


Offenses may unintentionally occur. It is the offended member’s responsibility to approach the other Community member to clear up the conflict quickly. Loving communication with one another will help our Community stay healthy, grow, and maintain a safe environment. If an offense does not get resolved, for the hope of a peaceful resolution, please inform someone from the Council.


Corrections are to be done in a charitable manner. If corrected charitably, in regard to guidelines set forth by the Province, members are to be humbly obedient to those guidelines and to those corrections.


Discussion topics in Community meetings, Formation classes, and emails sent to the Community are to be limited to and respectful of our Catholic/Carmelite spirituality. No political agendas are to be brought forth. In addition, prior permission from the Director must be granted to bring forth any agenda that is not on the Community meeting’s agenda.


Suggestions or concerns about the Community or its leadership may be brought to any member of the Council prior to or immediately following the meeting. The suggestion or concern will be discussed at the next Council Meeting.


Council will meet no less than quarterly to discuss all Community issues.


Formation questions are to be directed to the Formation Director.


Prayer requests are to be to emailed to the Secretary (or to a Community member assigned by the Council). Prayer requests can be sent to the Province, in addition to the Community, IF they are limited to Community members and/or their immediate family. The Secretary or a member of Council is to forward any prayer requests that meet such requirements to the Province. The prayer requests sent to the Province are to be limited to names and a simple prayer descriptions (i.e. illness, death, job loss).


Financial questions are to be directed to the Treasurer.


Dues are payable to the Treasurer by the March Community meeting. Dues are expected from all members following the start of their Phase 1 Formation. Dues can be paid in small installments, or monthly, but should never be a hindrance to participating in the Community. If there is a financial burden, please contact the Treasurer. All names of those in need are to be kept confidential by the Treasurer, even from fellow Council members.


Retreats are offered through the Province, annually, at various locations. A financial burden should never be the reason a Community member does not attend a Carmelite retreat. If there is a financial burden, please contact the Treasurer to see how the Community might assist.


Community living, as in the book of Acts, can mean we share all we have with one another. Any Community member who feels prayerfully led can make anonymous donations at any time for the financial needs of other members to the Treasurer. All the names of those who share will be kept confidential by the Treasurer.


Visitors are to observe at least 3 meetings before becoming involved in and purchasing a Carmelite book study. Lectio Divina participation is allowed. Visitor questions are to be directed to any member of the Council during break, at the meeting’s end, or via email. All visitors are encouraged to read all information on our Community’s website.


Holy Eucharist Lay Carmelite Community Website is to be checked regularly to monitor any member’s responsibility for the upcoming Community Meeting through uploaded meeting agendas. Such agendas, uploaded by the Council in a timely manner, would include assignments for Lectio Divina, homework, leaders in the Liturgy of the Hours, and snack.

Updated April 2022

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